Analyzing Writing Errors on Narrative Texts Made by Grade Nine Students’ of SMP IT Qurrata A’yun Palu




Error Analysis, Grammatical Errors, Narrative Text


Students often struggle with grammatical accuracy when writing in English as a second language. This study investigates the types and frequencies of errors made by ninth-grade Indonesian students in their English narrative compositions. The research objectives were to 1) identify common error categories within student-generated narrative texts and 2) determine which error type occurs most frequently. The study utilized a descriptive qualitative approach. Ninth-grade students at SMP IT Qurata’Ayun Palu were assigned a narrative writing task on a designated topic. The collected texts were analyzed using Dulay, Burt, and Krashen's (1982) surface approach error taxonomy. Results indicated a total of 70 errors across the students' work. The most prevalent error type was misformation (50%), followed by omission (36%), addition (13%), and misordering (1%). These findings suggest that difficulties applying correct grammatical forms are a significant obstacle to accurate narrative writing for these students.


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How to Cite

M. Maghfira and H. Hastini, “Analyzing Writing Errors on Narrative Texts Made by Grade Nine Students’ of SMP IT Qurrata A’yun Palu”, J.Gen.Educ.Humanit., vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 197–204, May 2024.




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