Call for Reviewers
The Journal of General Education and Humanities (GEHU) invites you to contribute to the research published by joining as a reviewer. The Journal of General Education and Humanities (GEHU) is looking for reviewers who can provide critical analyses of papers to improve the overall credibility of the journal.
The scope of GEHU in all areas of education and any technical knowledge domain: original theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, social issues, psychological issues, curricula, learning environments, research in an educational context, book reviews, and review articles.
Status: Voluntary job
Working language: English
Working: Internet-based style
Reward: Certificate of Appreciation after manuscript review
If interested, please fill in your biodata (click here) and register for an OJS account (click here).
Thank you so much for joining this voluntary work as a Reviewer. We are expecting a positive collaboration from you in the future.
Best regards,
GEHU Editorial Team